Christmas Stocking Fillers

Ideas for Christmas Stocking Fillers!

The big day is just a few weeks away, and with that, we imagine that you’re incredibly busy with your Christmas shopping. But, we hope you’re not too busy to stop by our online shop to top up your Christmas stocking fillers! 

We have a huge variety of stocking filler ideas at an affordable price that the kids will just love! After all, there’s no better way to wake up on Christmas morning, knowing that Santa has paid a visit.

Boys Chug T-Shirt - Royal Blue


Although Diggerland is currently closed, you can still rock a Diggerland t-shirt as you hit the high street shops! 

This t-shirt is available for both Duggy and Dotty supporters and can be purchased in blue or pink. 

For the youngsters that dream of one day being a construction worker, these t-shirts really are the perfect fit! 

Available in the following sizes:

2 – 3 years

3 – 4 years

5 – 6 years

7 – 8 years

9 – 10 years

Diggerland Teddy Bear

Diggerland Teddy Bears

Available in both pink and yellow, the Diggerland Teddy Bears are the perfect stocking filler gift for the little ones. They can either be enjoyed by reliving a fun day out that you have experienced already, or a token of what’s to come in the new year. 

Either way, cuddling up to a Diggerland Teddy Bear is still a lovely way to spend Christmas day!

Not only that, they’re only £5.99! What will you name yours?

"Jake" Soft Toy

Digger Soft Toy

Digger ‘Jake’ is an all time favourite from our Goodie Store, and a great alternative if your little one is digger obsessed! 

The JCB branded digger toy is a great addition to the children’s collection of toys and will definitely brighten their day to see in their Christmas stocking fillers.

At £4.99, you can’t go wrong!

Notepad and Pencil


At the Diggerland Goodie Store, we have an abundance of groovy stationery. What a great way to start the new year off at school! 

Available in blue, pink and purple we have a variety of Curvi pens, which are sure to suit all your children’s writing needs. It also signifies a wonderful memory at Diggerland too!

In addition to this, we have a Notepad and Pencil which is perfect for writing small notes or letters on. It could even be used to write down your best memories of Diggerland, or what you look forward to on a future visit!

Whilst they may be small gifts, they’re an excellent way to build up the Christmas stocking fillers.


Christmas Eve

Each family celebrates Christmas Eve differently. Is it a day for spending time with other family members, or is Christmas Eve the day where all the shopping gets done? Does your family open a present before the big day? 

We have some great Christmas Eve gift ideas which are bound to create wonderful memories for the whole family.

Girls Dotty Pyjamas - Pink

A new set of pyjamas

No matter what age, a new set of pyjamas are a great Christmas Eve tradition. 

For the young digger enthusiasts in the family, the Diggerland Goodie Store has just become the best shop!

We have two pyjama sets available in a variety of sizes, which are sure to get the Christmas Eve vibes flowing. You can get yours on our website, in either blue/navy or yellow/black.

A New Book

Some families choose to read a new book together for the children, and we have just the recommendation for you! 

The Little Yellow Digger That Saved Christmas was released in September 2020, and was written by a JCB employee in order to raise money for a variety of children’s charities. 

The book is a Christmas story including Santa and his reindeer, that will also “help your toddlers with early childhood language development.” 

This is the perfect way to get into the Christmas spirit before the big day!

We hope that this blog has given you some inspiration for your stocking fillers, as well as a little excitement for Christmas Eve and the big day!