Ideas for Christmas Stocking Fillers!
The big day is just a few weeks away, and with that, we imagine that you’re incredibly busy with your Christmas shopping. But, we hope you’re not too busy to stop by our online shop to top up your Christmas stocking fillers!
We have a huge variety of stocking filler ideas at an affordable price that the kids will just love! After all, there’s no better way to wake up on Christmas morning, knowing that Santa has paid a visit.

Although Diggerland is currently closed, you can still rock a Diggerland t-shirt as you hit the high street shops!
This t-shirt is available for both Duggy and Dotty supporters and can be purchased in blue or pink.
For the youngsters that dream of one day being a construction worker, these t-shirts really are the perfect fit!
Available in the following sizes:
2 – 3 years
3 – 4 years
5 – 6 years
7 – 8 years
9 – 10 years