Have you entered the Diggerland Design A Ride Awards 2021 yet?

If not, now is your chance to get super duper creative and design the very best new ride for Diggerland. Whether you are into science, technology, maths, engineering or simply love coming up with new ideas, we want you! 

Designing a ride for Diggerland is no easy thing to do. Our ride design engineers spend a long time thinking up the very best next thing, to make our guests super excited about visiting Diggerland. 

This is a real opportunity to showcase your very best hidden talents. You could even feature in a newspaper and become your very own local celebrity! We bet your school teachers would be impressed, and you will be sure to gain a gazillion brownie points with your loved ones – well maybe not any rival siblings that you may have! 


First thing’s first, you need to decide how to get started. 

Are you a techy person? You may wish to hit the ground running and start typing up your ideas. 

Perhaps you study engineering at school or college and are an absolute whizz at using CAD 3D drawing software. So you want to start creating your techy drawing straight away. 

Maybe you are more hands on and so want to create your Diggerland ride using your fingers and thumbs, in which case you might want to get the arts and crafts out. 

Love drawing? Great, get out the colouring pencils and paper. 

However you wish to design your Diggerland ride, we don’t mind! 


So who would love to win a mobile phone? Did we hear a yes! What about an iPhone? Yes, you heard us right. Thanks to our friends over at Compare & Recycle, we are offering one lucky winner the chance to win a refurbished iPhone SE. Did we hear you say WOWZA? The iPhone SE 2020 tops all our usability and environmentally friendliness charts. Thanks Compare & Recycle! 

Top prize number 2 comes courtesy of Komatsu. The winner of our competition will be getting their hands on the ultimate construction prize, a Komatsu D475A bulldozer model worth £100.

The prizes don’t just stop there! The lucky winner will also receive:

  • A 2 year subscription to the Science+Nature magazine, 
  • A Little Bird Family Pass that gives you up to 50% off days out, things to do at home, and treats that can be delivered straight to your door
  • Tickets to the ultimate UK theme park… Diggerland!

Of course, we couldn’t let you design a ride at our theme park without inviting you along for a fantastic family day out. Who knows, we may have already started construction on the winning ride design! 


Are you up to the challenge? If you’re aged between 8 and 16, and fancy your chances of winning, then it’s time to get straight down to business and get designing. We can’t wait to see all of the exciting ride ideas that our lovely fans come up with. 

Once you’re happy with your ride design idea then you’ll need to make sure you submit it before the deadline. We would hate for you to miss out. Visit our website, fill out your details and then the wait is on!

Will you be putting your name to the next Diggerland theme park ride? We shall have to wait and see when the winner is announced on 1st July 2021. Good luck!

* All information correct as of 06/05/2021.

enter the diggerland design a ride awards today