Diggerland visit The Bluewater Giving Tree

Walking through the crowds of people at Bluewater, Diggerland mascot Duggy was on a mission. A mission to give disadvantaged children presents this Christmas and to give a chance for amazing family days out.

Outside the M&S store in Bluewater, Duggy visited the Heart Giving Tree and chose two tags to match children with fantastic items such as Diggerland toys, clothing, a backpack and funky stationary.

37 charities across Kent and Sussex are being supported this year with Action Point and Firmin acting as Santa to wrap and deliver the presents.

Diggerland representative, Sherene Garvin-Mack said, “It is so important for us to stop, think and give something back.

Whilst we go about our busy lives scurrying around for last minute presents this Christmas, we must remember that there are disadvantaged children, who won’t be receiving anything. It doesn’t take much money or time to visit the Heart Giving Tree and donate a gift.”

Diggerland staff have also donated gifts to the Heart Giving Tree and encourage others to do the same.

The Giving Tree is open until Friday 22nd December, so what better way to kick Christmas off than to offer disadvantaged children magical and spectacular family days out for them to enjoy!

Diggerland understand and appreciate all the hard work that organisations and charities provide in order to care for others. This is why we provide donations to local charities/schools for their fundraising raffles in order to raise as much money as possible to such worthy causes.

* All information correct as of 22/12/2017.
