Family Activities in Durham Over the Easter Holidays


The Easter holidays are underway. That means two weeks of having the kids off school, and you’ll have to come up with plenty of activities to keep them busy. We’re here to help. Here are just a few suggestions for family activities in Durham, that you can try out over the Easter holidays.

An Easter Egg hunt

It’s an oldie but a goldie. Everyone, at some time or another, has taken part in an Easter Egg hunt and they never get old. Try hiding some reusable plastic eggs around your house, then presenting your children with an amazing Easter gift when they’ve collected them all. For slightly older children, why not try some easy clues to help them find the eggs? 

Build a twig nest

Spring is a great time to reconnect with nature. So many animals are preparing to have babies and your children can see them all around.

Try challenging them to use some sticks that have fallen to the ground to create a bird’s nest. Encourage them to build a structure that is strong enough to hold the weight of some small pebbles, or mini eggs. 


Have an egg decorating competition 

It’s time to get crafty and decorate some boiled eggs. Try using materials from home to colour, stick and transform a couple of hard boiled eggs. You can use any bits and pieces you have lying around the house to create an eggs-ellent design. Why not try your hand at fashioning an animal or your favourite character in egg form? 

Get into the garden

Now is the ideal opportunity to get your garden ready for the summer; why not have the kids help you? Test out their green thumbs by having them help you plant flowers, water the plants and, of course, playing in the 

compost. Having some fun and getting a bit messy along the way is always an amazing activity for children. It’s even better for you, as it will be in your own backyard! 


Take a trip to Diggerland

We open for the Easter Holidays on the 1st of April this year, and we’re ready to welcome you and your family with open arms at our Durham Park. If you’re looking for a unique family activity in Durham, this is the place for you.

Every member of your family can ride and drive real diggers and dumper trucks. It’s bound to be a hit with all of the children in the family (even the big “kids”). It’s an amazing way to take a step into the world of construction, but keep it playful. 

Don’t worry about the weather! We have an indoor play area for you to take shelter in during any bad weather, unless you’re feeling ready to brave the elements. 

Make sure you book your tickets for Diggerland Durham early, to get the best price. Those who book online in advance save over £6 per person, compared to those who pay on the day. 

Check out our price list here:

  • Any person over 100cm – £25.95
  • Over 65 – £12.97
  • Under 100cm – Free
  • Disabled Carer – Free


prebook your diggerland tickets today!

All information correct as of: 02/03/2023
