Everything you need to know for Covid friendly days out at Diggerland

Monday 12th April, a day that is on most people’s minds. The day that outdoor attractions, non-essential shops and beauty places open. As the government give  the go-ahead to these businesses to open their doors again, we want to outline what to expect from covid friendly days out at Diggerland. We look forward to seeing our guests again!


Diggerland is the UK’s only construction based theme park. With three parks located in Kent, Durham and Yorkshire, we welcome guests of all ages to ride and drive real life construction machinery. All of our attractions are based on existing plant equipment. Children and adults alike go absolutely digger mad for Diggerland!

Enjoy being lifted 50 feet in the air on Skyshuttle or get stuck into operating a Komatsu mini digger. Dig to your heart’s content! With 20 different attractions to experience, there really is a ride for everyone to enjoy at our parks. 

All of our rides and drives can be found here, view each ride in detail before you arrive!

Family days out - Spindizzy
UK theme park - Diggerland
Diggerland Rides and drives - Skid Steers


We always want our visitors to have a fabulous family day out to Diggerland, however it’s still going to be different this year. We have all of the necessary health and safety measures in place for everyone including:

Indoor areas closed

Unfortunately we are unable to open our indoor soft play area and Little Tikes areas for our smaller guests.

Takeaway café service

In line with government restrictions, we are unable to open our indoor seating area. We will have our takeaway open for a takeaway service, in which a social distancing queue system will be in place.

Temperature checks

All visitors will undergo a quick, non-invasive temperature check on arrival. This will eliminate the risk of spreading the virus, for the safety of other customers and our staff.

Contactless payments

If it is possible, we urge visitors to use contactless payment. This will reduce the amount of surfaces and objects that will be touched.

Face coverings / masks

We ask visitors to wear face masks/coverings on rides that are enclosed or it is not possible for visitors to stay 2 metres away from each other. All of our attractions are based outdoors.

Social distancing

Please ensure you are at least 2 metres away from all staff and other visitors. 

Restricting visitor numbers

We are limiting visitors number to 500 per day at Devon and Durham, and 600 at Kent and Yorkshire.

One way systems

A one way system round the park has been put in place to ensure social distancing can be adhered to.

Sanitised and deep cleaned

We have various sanitising stations placed round the park, but we recommend guests bring theirs for their own personal use. Marshals will be wiping down each ride after every customer, but if guests would like to wear gloves they are more than welcome to. 

We hope that you will consider Diggerland Theme Parks for your Covid friendly days out and we can’t wait to welcome our visitors back. Diggerland has been awarded the ‘Good to Go’ badge ahead of re opening from Visit England. All covid-10 guidelines can be found here.


Due to the restrictions on visitor numbers, we are strongly advising customers to pre book their ticket on our Diggerland website. We would hate for you to miss out, and pre booking will guarantee your entry!

When it comes to booking your covid friendly days out to Diggerland, we would recommend measuring children. Anyone under 90cm will enter FREE, however there will be rides that they won’t be tall enough to go on. Anyone over 90cm will need a ticket to enter. Once you’ve measured your child, be sure to take a look at our ride height chart. It will give you an idea of the various height restrictions in place. Children can also catch a glimpse of the fun day ahead! Which ride will you be heading to first?

We are still allowing customers to turn up and pay on the day, but this is dependent on availability. Please call us to avoid any disappointment on the day, we would be happy to assist! 

* All information correct as of 09/04/2021.

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