In order for children to be happy and healthy, it is essential that they are physically active. The NHS recommends that children between the ages of 5 and 18 engage in an hour of moderate physical activity. Every day of the week! Although this is easy to do during the warmer months of the year when it is pleasant to be outside. Physical activity often takes a back seat in winter. Luckily, there are a number of ways, such as the following to help keep the kids active during cold spells.
Find a Fun Outdoor Activity to Participate In
There are a number of fun-filled outdoor activities to partake in during winter. Depending on how adventurous (and fit) your family is, these activities can include building a snowman, having a snowball fight to sledding and ice skating. Spending time at a local theme park can also result in a considerable amount of physical activity. Additionally, experiencing ample memory-making opportunities with the family. Although Diggerland is closed during winter, there are many days in both autumn and spring that are perfect for a cold-weather family outing to a thrilling theme park. You are bound to get a lot of walking done while exploring everything the parks have to offer. Apart from the 20 different rides and drives to enjoy, Diggerland also sports a range of other fun activities for both young and old.

Make Screen Time more Active
It is no secret that UK children spend excessive amounts of time in front of an electronic screen. Especially during inclement weather. One of the biggest disadvantages of prolonged screen time is the fact that it is mostly a very sedentary activity. Thankfully it is possible to make screen time more active (and fun). Challenge the entire family to perform a certain action, such as doing ten star-jumps or running on the spot for 10 seconds. Complete this every time a specific action is performed during a TV show or movie. If your children are into console gaming, invest in games that require some level of physical activity. The Wii is known for its interactive sports games. Both PS4 and PS5 players can get active while playing games such as Just Dance 2022 and Knock-Out League.
Go for a Walk Together
Walking is one of the simplest and most beneficial forms of physical activity. Apart from getting everyone off the couch and outdoors, taking regular walks can improve both physical and mental health. Walking is a great way to keep various health concerns at bay while strengthening the bones and muscles. It can also alleviate anxiety and stress and improve the overall quality of sleep. As exercise is as important for our pets as it is for us, why not take your dog along on your walks? Apart from the fact that dogs generally love being outside, ensuring your canine companion is fit will also decrease their risk of injury and illness considerably. Other activities to enjoy with your dog include running, hiking, and, during summer, swimming.
It is natural for children to become less active during the colder months of the year. For the sake of their physical and mental well-being, however, it is important that an effort is made to ensure that children stay physically active regardless of the weather.
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*All information correct as of 02/02/2022